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Inkbox Artistry

Signature Series Pigment Set Monica Ivani

Regular price $29.00 USD
Regular price $29.00 USD Sale price $29.00 USD
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Available in Individual Bottles and Boxsets of 4 10ml bottles


Monica Ivani is an International Master Trainer, Global Conference Speaker and one of the best artists in the world.

Her unique hairstroke technique with a Digital Device has earned her that Worldwide recognition.  Monica chose to work with Li Pigments due to their reputation for high quality pigments that implant, heal and age with only the best results.  She worked closely with the chemists at Li Pigments to create her own unique eyebrow pigment formula as well as her own unique, custom brow colors.  After working and testing her pigments for over a year...Monica and Li Pigments together created what will be one of the best set of brow pigments the industry has ever seen.  

From Monica Ivani..."After many years of mixing colors, I know finally formulated what I feel are the 4 ideal shades for eyebrows. My main goal is to help every technician become the artist they aspire to be by creating these pre-modified, ready to use colors".

Electric Blonde – A dark blonde color with a green and neutral yellow base. Perfect for blondes or redheads with either neutral or slightly cooler skin tones...with pink/red undertones. It can be darkened with either Faux Brown or Absolute Brown. 

Faux Brown– A light brown color with either neutral yellow and a red base. Great for lighter brunettes, dark blondes or even medium brunettes who want to kMonica Ivani Kiteep their brows super soft and natural. Heals cooler than it looks initially. Can be darkened with Absolute Brown or Dark Heart.  

- Absolute Brown– A true medium brown! This shade has a neutral yellow and green brown base...and is perfect for light...medium or dark brunettes. This is my absolute favorite and most used shade. Can be darkened with Dark Heart. 

- Dark Heart- A dark brown shade with a black/brown base. A little darker than Absolute Brown. Fantastic for dark brunettes or clients with darker natural eyebrow hair. Can be lighted and warmed up with Electric Blonde or Faux Brown.